
To All Visitors of JMBM's Offices

We look forward to welcoming you into our office. The health and safety of clients and employees are our highest priorities. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have implemented new protocols in compliance with federal, state, and local guidelines. To ensure that your visit to our office is as easy and comfortable as possible, here are several important notes to review before your arrival:

  1. Please bring one form of photo identification to present at the building's security desk.
  2. Face coverings are optional in JMBM's offices.
  3. Please check in and sign the visitor's log at JMBM's reception desk located on:
    1. Los Angeles Office: 7th Floor
    2. San Francisco Office: 5th Floor
    3. Orange County Office: 11th Floor
  4. If you are sick, experienced symptoms within the last five days, or came into close contact with someone who was sick or tested positive for COVID-19 within the last five days, please reschedule your visit.

Thank you for helping us to keep our offices safe.